Monday, May 31, 2010

Comments for Berber Arts and crafts

Ellias: Question: How come when we went to week without walls there were no men carrying daggers?

Answer: To Ellias: Well actually Ellias, I researched about a specific village: The Douar of Ait Benhmad which means that it is specific to some villages. Also, It is only worn by wealthy men.

Zainab: Question : Today, is there any berber or any other person who is making an effort to keep the berber's arts and crafts ? If yes, how ?

Answer: To Zainab: Yes, As you saw in Tito's presentation, there is Terres des Femmes that helps Berber women with pottery. There is also an organization that helps preserve Berber culture in general.

Asmaa: Question: Do Berbers count making pottery a good job why or why not?

Answer: To Asmaa: It depends on the amount of pottery they make and their region. If they live in an isolated area, the income is much lower. If they live in a popular area and there are a lot of tourists, they make a lot of money

Yeline: Question:  How do you think, we should preserve Berber arts and crafts?

Answer: To Yeline: To preserve Berber culture, I think that we should display it and not be shy to show it. If this art isn't popular, there are chances that it might quickly die out. That is  why we should have Berber art museums and things like that.

Caroline:Question: In different areas that the Berbers live do they have different types of daggers?

Answer: To Caroline: Good question. In the different villages, there is almost always something in their arts that distinguishes themselves from other tribes. For example, the resin might be of a certain color or the blade can have inscriptions. Again, It all depends on the villages.

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